Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Little Love

"Just when you think you know love, something little comes along to remind you just how big it really is."

We are excited to announce the arrival of little spice, Sutton Elaine Kelly!! She was born on July 27, 2010.  She is 7 lbs 1 oz and is 19 1/2 inches long.  She is perfect and a blessing from God!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Can we say STUBBORN...

Little Spice is as comfortable as can be and does not want to come out!! Sadly, I just left my appointment with another appointment scheduled for Monday morning! :(  I still have not started to dilate so my doctor does not want to induce me tomorrow or over the weekend bc my odds increase in having a c-section since my body (or little spice) is not ready for the labor just yet. Ughhh! He did say that he has seen patients before with no movement (like me) and then they go into labor later that night so that brought a smile to my face and is my prayer!!

If no baby by this weekend, I will go in at 10:00 a.m. Monday morning and my dr will make sure everything is good with the baby's overall movements and breathing. He will also check the amniotic fluid and placenta to make sure the baby is getting everything he/she needs. This is standard procedure - he is not concerned about anything at this point! If there is still no progress, he will induce me next Thursday (8/29).

I am trying really hard not to be disappointed. Such is life and I am going to enjoy these next few days with Patrick and just being a family of two! :)


Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Nursery

I know, I know - I promised I would do this a long time ago.  SO sorry!!  The nursery is not 100% complete but I think it is as complete as it will be before our little one arrives!  Just a note...we are still missing the art that goes over the dresser and some shelves in the corner but other than that, it is complete. 

So without further ado....Little Spice's room:

The door wreath made by my sweet friend, Lisa!

Walking into the nursery

Missing the art work above the dresser

Missing the shelves next to the mirror