Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Seventh Heaven!

Sutton just had her 7th month birthday. She is on the move and is in to everything!  My oh my is this momma tired! ;)  It is amazing to watch and follow behind her as she explores. I watch and wonder what all is going through that bright, little mind of hers. She goes from room to room, picks something up, studies it, brushes it along her check, looks up with her precious smile then is off to the next big thing that catches her eye.  Oh the joys this little one brings to our lives.  We just can't get enough of her!  We love you, little Sass!! You are our pride and joy.  Happy 7th!



  1. O my gosh, she totally has crawling down!!!!Good Lord, the child is going to be playing volleyball before I see her again. Hope you are planning a trip her soon.
